Get to Know Our Office Manager, Susan!

Joe and Susan Pic 1Joe and Susan Pic 2Susan is originally from Cincinnati, Ohio, but currently lives in Mason with her husband of 29 years, Joe. She began working for RSVP in February of 2020.

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Susan enjoys spending quality time with her two adult children. Her daughter Katie is a Special Education Teacher and her son Joey is an Army Vet and is enrolled as a fire recruit at the Colerain Township Fire Department.

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Susan is extremely grateful to have an amazing family that all live in the Cincinnati area.

Friends picShe enjoys hanging out with her friends that she has known for over 40 years. They share great memories of Mariemont Middle and High School.

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Susan spends a lot of her free time with her BFF Sherry. They enjoy traveling to Nashville, TN, going to concerts and beating their husbands at Euchre.


Susan also enjoys attending FC Cincinnati soccer games, boating with her friends and family, traveling the bourbon trail and visiting any beach.