Buzzy, Welcome to our Team!

Buzzy was born in Summerville, South Carolina where he currently lives. He has 3 children, a daughter that recently graduated from University of Tennessee and just moved on her own. A middle son, currently at Coastal Carolina and the baby, a Junior in high school. Buzzy and Karen have been married now close to 30 years next April, as he says the best thing that ever happened to him.

Over 15 years of radio sales and 4 selling billboards lead to owning his own fundraising discount book for 5 years in early 2010-15. He joined RSVP in the Carolinas back in 2018 and has worked with various owners around the Carolinas and Ohio before joining RSVP-Ohio/Kentucky. He loves talking to new clients and helping grow their bottom line with advertising and has seen some great successes in clients using RSVP’s proven program.

Buzzy enjoys spending time with his wife on long rides and some overnight trips and looks forward to more travel in 2022 and hopefully get back on the golf course. He is quickly learning more about home construction and renovations with his wife with their major home upgrades. The Honey Do list never ends.

It’s in the cards!!⁣⁣ #9 – RSVP Homeowners are Targeted Qualified Buyers

If you’re looking to drive qualified customers/leads to your business, here are 10 ways RSVP stacks the cards in your favor:⁣
1. Best ROI of any medium⁣
2. Reach customers who spend more⁣
3. Trackable – text, call tracking, and QR codes⁣
4. You get two ads for the price of one with a front and back⁣
5. Creative & eye-catching messaging⁣
6. Mailed at peak buying times⁣
7. Response-driven with strong call to action⁣
8. Shelf life – homeowners save the cards for when they are ready to buy⁣
9. We target only homeowners that are qualified buyers⁣
10. Standalone mini-billboard⁣
Call us to get your postcard scheduled! (888) 958-7787⁣

It’s in the cards!!⁣⁣ #8 – Shelf Life!! Homeowners Save Our Postcards

If you’re looking to drive qualified customers/leads to your business, here are 10 ways RSVP stacks the cards in your favor:⁣
1. Best ROI of any medium⁣
2. Reach customers who spend more⁣
3. Trackable – text, call tracking, and QR codes⁣
4. You get two ads for the price of one with a front and back⁣
5. Creative & eye-catching messaging⁣
6. Mailed at peak buying times⁣
7. Response-driven with strong call to action⁣
8. Shelf life – homeowners save the cards for when they are ready to buy⁣
9. We target only homeowners that are qualified buyers⁣
10. Standalone mini-billboard⁣
Call us to get your postcard scheduled! (888) 958-7787⁣

It’s in the cards!!⁣⁣ #7 – Response-driven with Strong Call to Action⁣

If you’re looking to drive qualified customers/leads to your business, here are 10 ways RSVP stacks the cards in your favor:⁣
1. Best ROI of any medium⁣
2. Reach customers who spend more⁣
3. Trackable – text, call tracking, and QR codes⁣
4. You get two ads for the price of one with a front and back⁣
5. Creative & eye-catching messaging⁣
6. Mailed at peak buying times⁣
7. Response-driven with strong call to action⁣
8. Shelf life – homeowners save the cards for when they are ready to buy⁣
9. We target only homeowners that are qualified buyers⁣
10. Standalone mini-billboard⁣
Call us to get your postcard scheduled! (888) 958-7787⁣

It’s in the cards!!⁣⁣ #5 – RSVP Creates Eye-Catching Ads for You!

If you’re looking to drive qualified customers/leads to your business, here are 10 ways RSVP stacks the cards in your favor:⁣
1. Best ROI of any medium⁣
2. Reach customers who spend more⁣
3. Trackable – text, call tracking, and QR codes⁣
4. You get two ads for the price of one with a front and back⁣
5. Creative & eye-catching messaging⁣
6. Mailed at peak buying times⁣
7. Response-driven with strong call to action⁣
8. Shelf life – homeowners save the cards for when they are ready to buy⁣
9. We target only homeowners that are qualified buyers⁣
10. Standalone mini-billboard⁣
Call us to get your postcard scheduled! (888) 958-7787⁣

It’s in the cards!!⁣⁣ #4 – Two Ads for the Price of One!

If you’re looking to drive qualified customers/leads to your business, here are 10 ways RSVP stacks the cards in your favor:⁣
1. Best ROI of any medium⁣
2. Reach customers who spend more⁣
3. Trackable – text, call tracking, and QR codes⁣
4. You get two ads for the price of one with a front and back⁣
5. Creative & eye-catching messaging⁣
6. Mailed at peak buying times⁣
7. Response-driven with strong call to action⁣
8. Shelf life – homeowners save the cards for when they are ready to buy⁣
9. We target only homeowners that are qualified buyers⁣
10. Standalone mini-billboard⁣
Call us to get your postcard scheduled! (888) 958-7787⁣

It’s in the cards!!⁣⁣ #3 – RSVP Leads Are Trackable!

If you’re looking to drive qualified customers/leads to your business, here are 10 ways RSVP stacks the cards in your favor:⁣
1. Best ROI of any medium⁣
2. Reach customers who spend more⁣
3. Trackable – text, call tracking, and QR codes⁣
4. You get two ads for the price of one with a front and back⁣
5. Creative & eye-catching messaging⁣
6. Mailed at peak buying times⁣
7. Response-driven with strong call to action⁣
8. Shelf life – homeowners save the cards for when they are ready to buy⁣
9. We target only homeowners that are qualified buyers⁣
10. Standalone mini-billboard⁣
Call us to get your postcard scheduled! (888) 958-7787⁣